Happy Tuesday! It is still summer, and I am still hating it. But I do have a few young adult reads to tell you about! Teen Tuesday is the day we set aside for teen book lovers visit with each other to find out what's being read in the world of young adult literature. You can comment whether you are a participant or not. Visit all the posters at teentuesday.blogspot.com . Last week I finished The Off Season by Catherine Murdock. The Off Season was the sequel to Diary Queen , but for me it is lacking some of the qualities that made me love it so much. DJ has always been a little obsessive, as many of us are, thinking about things in such a way that blows them totally out of proportion. But at the same time there is a humor that comes out o f her obsessiveness. Yet in The Off Season I didn't feel as connected to the humor lying underneath the voice. DJ's obsessing was completely hyperbolic and verging on unrealistic. Her fears were totally realistic in the first book. Man...