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Showing posts from May 4, 2008

1% Well-Read Challenge

In a joint effort, Chelsea and I have decided to tackle the 1% Well-Read Challenge. We picked 10 books from 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die . We decided it would be more fun to do this book club style. We plan on reading the books together and discussing them privately amongst ourselves. (Yeah, we are just exclusive like that.) Now I present, in random order, our list! Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Yet to be determined by Jane Austen Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe Franny and Zoey by J.D. Salinger Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Are you planning on reading any of these books? If so, leave a note in the comments! I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's list of books for this challenge.


Morning I roll over in bed and smile at you. You are still sleeping with the light of the rising sun whispering across your face. It seems too bright to sleep through But you do I put my arms around you, but you roll away in your sleep I think about all the hidden meanings that could have I decide you are just tired I slide my feet out of the sheets and onto the cold floor It is cold even on summer mornings Sometimes it is a comfort Not today I make you coffee Humming love songs Force a smile I walk up the stairs Put my hand on the handle of the door It is locked I drink the too bitter coffee I can't believe you like it this way

Booking Through Thursday - Manual Labor

Writing guides, grammar books, punctuation how-tos . . . do you read them? Not read them? How many writing books, grammar books, dictionariesā€“if anyā€“do you have in your library? I am COMPLETELY addicted to writing books. I can comfortably say I have at least 40 books on writing. I have one paper dictionary that I use right now. I mostly look up words online. I have a r hyming dictionary and a whole bunch of baby naming books. Here are some of my favorites: Beyond the Words Bird by Bird The Art & Craft of the Short Story The Forest for the Trees I love books by and about writers too. I also use non writing books to expand my creativity. There are a lot of great ideas in most self help books that can be applied to writing. So what is your SINGLE absolute favorite writing book or book about a writer?


It is before 8am and for some unidentified reason I am awake. Not just awake but awake and aware and unable to go back to sleep. Why is it that you wait and wait for some time off to sleep in and when you do get said time off you wake up before the sun? You see, I am on "vacation." Why the quotes? Well, I did have vacation plans but they fell through. After a considerable amount of sulking I decided I was going on vacation anyway. The kids were sent to their dad's and I have been home alone. I sleep when I want, read when I want. It has been very restful so far. If I couldn't get out of town and have a break, then this is just what I needed. Just a few moments ago, after I awoke, I stayed in bed and finished Messenger . Because this is the third book in the series, if you want to call it that, I didn't think I would be commenting on it. But after actually reading it there is a lot more I can say than I thought I would be able to without spoiling. Yesterda...


Are You a Wimp?

I am pretty excited to have just finished Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules . The is the second book in the series, but I have been talking about the first one to anyone who will listen! I love this series because it is fun and funny and perfect for a reluctant reader. The books are the diary/comics of Greg Heffley. He shares the funny and embarrassing things that happen to him every day. This book is fun read for any age level! I certainly enjoy laughing along with it. The books were penned by Jeff Kinney. When asked where he got the idea he said: I wanted to write a story about all the funny parts of growing up, and none of the serious parts. And I think Jeff's intention is why these books are such a joy to read. There great news is that there are more Wimpy Kid books on the way. And you can check out their website !

The Perfect Blend

This is the first inspirational romance I have ever read. Truthfully I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The consideration of God in one's romantic life is not primary in my own thought process and seemed a little heavy handed even for the most devout. The book did drag a little in the middle. There were about three chapters that was a chore to get through, but I was happy I did because the ending was wonderful!!

Couldn't Resist

How White and Nerdy Are You?

The Sunday Salon - Colin Firth Edition

Warning : My TSS post may have become obscured by my slight lust for Colin Firth . A month or so ago Diane Craver named Colin Firth " Hottie of the Week. " I was ecstatic at the time (and still am.) I happen to adore Colin Firth and pointed out to her readers that he has written a short story. But being a writer is only the FIRST of his literary merits. He also LOVES to read. In 200 5 he said the following to O Magazine: "When Iā€™m really into a novel, Iā€™m seeing the world differently during that timeā€”not just for the hour or so in the day when I get to read. Iā€™m actually walking around in a bit of a haze, spellbound by the book and looking at everything through a different prism." Are you melting yet? Let's take a peek at Colin Firth's bookshelf. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Marie Rilke The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene The Leopard by Guiseppe de Lampedusa Preston Falls b y David Gates Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler Light in Aug...