Reading slumps seem to happen to me more now than they ever have before. There are so many things filling up the space of my mind, the only thing I can think to do when I have time to myself is close my eyes. What do you do when you have a reading slump? Sometimes life just doesn't have time for reading. I always hassle people to read for just ten minutes a day every night before bed. And I know I have time for that, but I just don't have the energy. I try not to feel too guilty about it. Tonight on Facebook I saw a link from Suzanne Young about the 7 Awesome YA Series That You Haven’t Heard About… Yet . Sometimes seeing new books I want to read doesn't make me feel any better. I have tons of books around me all the time and not finding the inspiration or motivation to pick them up. But this time I saw a few titles that have me feeling a little excited about the prospect of picking them up! Mr. X read and LOVED Red Rising and I keep coming up with reasons NOT to r...