Since mid December I have been working on a reading list for the upcoming months. My intention was to post the list just for personal record. And time has passed and I never did. January is a lot like the month of never dids. As I mentioned in my last post, I did turn 30 and I do go on a book shopping spree but other than those things when I think back on the month it feels like the month of not happening. The last week has been the same way for me too. Where has all the time gone? Why is time folding in on itself and I am left wondering where it went? In a way it is almost haunting because in The New Policeman , the last book I finished, time really disappear and was being sucked into the fairy world. There are so many things I want to do, and there are so many things I want to say. And I haven’t done it. I have set some mental goals for 2011. Among them are reading more, blogging consistently, reading one book from each challenge I have joined a mont...