Megan, you disappeared off the face of the Earth and abandoned James Dashner and all of your loyal readers. What happened? Well, faithful audience, I am not entirely sure what happened to me, but I blame Mr. X and maybe you should too. It seems like every spring or pre-spring time speeds up for me and I move through the world in slow motion. I get nothing done but the world races around without me. Days pass, then weeks pass, and it is months later and I am still sitting on the spot on the couch. It isn’t like I completely abandoned my life, but I definitely did not accomplish everything I wanted to for James Dashner month. See after I asked my social life to calm down, well it kind of listened and I guess I wasn’t prepared for that so I started feeling really bored and set out to find my social life again. I really want to thank all the great contributors to James Dashner Month. They really help the illusion that James Dashner is worthwhile in some way. I hope he...