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Showing posts from April 25, 2010

May is Comic Book Month

Okay, so last time I tried a theme month it didn’t exactly work out as I planned. Did I learn from that experience? Nope I did not, and I am trying it again. I am not exactly sure what I have in mind, which probably isn’t a good plan, but I am going for it anyway. I want to explore all types of comics and other types of comics with speech ballons.  Wikipedia was kind enough to help me out with some definitions. Manga - consist of comics and print cartoons, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. Graphic Novel - a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art in either an experimental design or in a traditional comics format. Comic Book - a magazine made up of narrative artwork, often accompanied by dialog (usually in word balloons, emblematic of the comic book artform) and often including brief descriptive prose. I want to explore what it means to be a hero and the ...

Dialogues with Mr. X

Anaximander: For a society to function successfully perhaps there needs to be a level of empathy that cannot be  corrupted. Examiner: Are you saying a society wracked by plague is preferable to one wracked by indifference? Me: What is the alternative to empathy? Empathy can make one weak but is sympathy acceptable? Or is apathy the best possible option? Mr. X: I am from the school of Rand. Rational self interest is the key to the advancement of a prosperous society,r Me: So….that’s apathy? Mr. X: I think real empathy can make for a peaceful society, but not a prosperous one. Me: But you don’t live your own life apathetically. Mr. X: In so much as I am apathetic to the plight of anyone but myself? I guess so… I believe by pursuing our own interests we are pursuing the interest of society as a whole.The interests  and plights of others only matter in so much as it affects me. I strive to make other people happy because it makes me happy; I don’t feel thei...