I loooooooooooove my library. Over 80% of the books I read are from the library. The whole aspect of having a deadline is very helpful to get those books finished. Sometimes I even check out books I already own because I find they get shuffled to the bottom of the reading pile. I go to the library about 3 days a week. Last year I was walking there everyday while listening to an audiobook. When winter gets a little more milder I am going to have to start doing that again. It helps that I don't have the internet at home so that is a big motivation to get TO the library. My kids and I love to come to story time and pick out books together too. The Details: 1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate. 2. There are four levels: --The Mini ā Check out and read 25 library books. --Just My Size ā Check out and read 50 library books. --Stepping It Up ā Check out and read 75 library books. --Super Size Me ā Check out and read 100 library books. (Aim high. As long as you rea...