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Reading Log - Second Week of April

It may just be futile to do these reading logs because I do a few weeks and then never stick with it. But when I look back over the past years of my blog, these reading logs are some of the most helpful posts to remind me about events in my life and books that I read. When I met Mr. X, I know I was reading Elantris. And there are other events that I know are correlated with books I was reading. I think it might be weird to remember what book I was reading and not what year it was, but that is just the way my brain works.

At my bookstore we do not have computerized inventory system. I keep most of the books and authors in my head. I also keep a lot of the customers' names in my head. Both first and last because we have a trade system that is filed by last name. We have not computerized our trade credit either, to the amazement of most. (And our cash drawer has a little bell that chimes when we open it.) Often people ask me how I can keep track of everything. I am far from perfect, but I rate myself as having an 80% accuracy for items in the store. The rest of the names and special orders and other details can be hit or miss. I have come up with many answers for my ability to keep track of everything. But the other day, I finally admitted the truth, "I'm a genius." I assured everyone in the room with a shrug. My friend called it a mic drop moment. So, there it is folks, I am a genius. I have an uncanny ability of remembering authors to books and what the covers look like and where they might be located in a bookstore.

This is how I can remember that I was reading Elantris when Mr. X and I, but not what year it was. I also know that it was the year that the first Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland came out in theatres. So if I am ever in a pinch, Google will save me.

Reading has been very stagnant for the past week. School is getting the best of me, along with general stress of life and everything. I did not finish a single book. I made very little progress on the books I am currently reading.

Currently Reading:
The Omnivore's Dilemma (I will have this finished this weekend.)
Silent Spring
Let Them Eat Cake

Need to Finish: I have a few books I am in the middle of and need to pick up and finish.
The African American Heritage Cookbook
Vibration Cooking
The Ultimate Gullah Cookbook

I am writing a research paper on the role of authenticity in ethnic food and I may be looking through some books on the subject, but it is unlikely I will have time to read them cover to cover. I started Let them Eat Cake as something light to distract me from all of my school reading, but it isn't hitting the spot for me yet. I may have to pick another pleasure book. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
