Well, unfortunately my UNbirthday will soon be drawing to close.

I have really enjoyed celebrating with you all, especially Amy who definitely has the best taste when it comes to pretend presents.
I am happy to report that I did get TWO pens in the mail.
Cheryl Wyatt has the gracious honor of granting that wish.
I might also mention that along with the pen she sent me a signed copy of A Soldier's Family (Love Inspired #438)
Which you may remember I won earlier this month.
My daughter was also very excited about the pens. I gave one to her and she wrote Cheryl a "thank you" note with it.
It was really just some scribbles on an apple shaped sticky note, but it was adorable. I am pretty sure Cheryl would appreciate it.
I have not started reading the book yet (tell you more about why in a second.)
Before Cheryl I had never heard of Love Inspired romance novels.
I was very interested in the idea of an inspirational romance.
Before Cheryl's book came I was at the thrift store. (What?! Again? YES, again.)
And I am very excited to report that I found two other Love Inspired novels sitting there waiting for me. They were 50 cents each, so of course they came home with me.
I even started reading one.
But I have not had as much time to read as I had expected. I am enjoying my time with my kids, but some miscommunication with my ex has made me unable to prepare (aka rest and read) as fully as I wanted to.
The kids are waking up so that is all for now.
Don't worry I have more surprises to tell you about.
Surprises are what make UNbirthdays FABULOUS.
Stop by and say "hi" to Cheryl.
She needs some love.

I have really enjoyed celebrating with you all, especially Amy who definitely has the best taste when it comes to pretend presents.
I am happy to report that I did get TWO pens in the mail.
Cheryl Wyatt has the gracious honor of granting that wish.
I might also mention that along with the pen she sent me a signed copy of A Soldier's Family (Love Inspired #438)
Which you may remember I won earlier this month.
My daughter was also very excited about the pens. I gave one to her and she wrote Cheryl a "thank you" note with it.
It was really just some scribbles on an apple shaped sticky note, but it was adorable. I am pretty sure Cheryl would appreciate it.
I have not started reading the book yet (tell you more about why in a second.)
Before Cheryl I had never heard of Love Inspired romance novels.
I was very interested in the idea of an inspirational romance.
Before Cheryl's book came I was at the thrift store. (What?! Again? YES, again.)
And I am very excited to report that I found two other Love Inspired novels sitting there waiting for me. They were 50 cents each, so of course they came home with me.
I even started reading one.
But I have not had as much time to read as I had expected. I am enjoying my time with my kids, but some miscommunication with my ex has made me unable to prepare (aka rest and read) as fully as I wanted to.
The kids are waking up so that is all for now.
Don't worry I have more surprises to tell you about.
Surprises are what make UNbirthdays FABULOUS.
Stop by and say "hi" to Cheryl.
She needs some love.
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