Last year we saw the emergence of book trailers. And let me say, for the most part I hated them. They often used live action movie shots similar to a movie trailer. But most readers don’t like having these images imposed on them. Instead of making me want to read they book, they generally made me resent the book for the preconceptions the trailer had forced on me. I made it a point to stop viewing them. There was no reason to go and ruin a perfectly viable book for myself.
I don’t think I was alone in my feeling about the trailers. Especially considering how much they have drastically changed in such a short amount of time. I recently saw (and stole) the following video from Devyn Burton’s blog.
Daisy Whitney is TelevisionWeek’s new media reporter. In this video she talks about the book trailer movement. As the video highlights, book trailers are particularly effective at reaching the young adult audience. Teens are online and authors are able to interact with them directly.
The trailer for Braless in Wonderland is one of the first book trailers in this new teen trailer movement that really caught my eye. The concept uses strong music, still images and text fragments to make something that leaves me wanting to race out to the store and buy this book.
How do you feel about book trailers? Have any enticed you lately?
I don't watch book trailers all that often, but mostly because I just don't come across them all that much. That said, I really don't mind them at all, and actually prefer the live action shots that are more like movie trailers. That's just me though.